Tuesday, December 29, 2009

TFVL & Couch Potatoes Friends


I decided to start this blog as a way for people to keep informed while TVFL (tv freeloaders) is down. While I was getting this ready, I found out my other favorite site couch potatoes has gone down as well.

What a rotten way for the year to end.

I think TVFL went down because of a server host problem. No one had been able to get in touch with the owner of the site to see what the problem is. They have gone down before. I think one time they were down for about two weeks.

Tonight, I discovered that couch potatoes is down. I get a message that online guardian has banned the site. It looks like their server host has yanked them. They will most likely have to get a new host.

Anyone, including the mods from either site is welcome to post comments here to let everyone know what is going on and to keep in touch with frinds they have made at both sites.



Their chat box is up at :


You can go to their facebook page at :


You can find more information on the staus of the sites at either location....